「Negisho Lab.」のコンテンツは、全て登録会員にのみ公開しています。コンテンツを閲覧するためには、会員登録ののち、ログインが必要です。
All contents of “Negisho Lab.” can be viewed only by registered members.
ご自身の会員レベルは、サイドバー最下部もしくはプロフィールページの「Membership Level 」欄で確認いただけます。
- 特別会員に昇格後は、FantiaまたはFANBOXにて月額300円以上のPlanを継続いただける限り特別会員が継続します(支援Planのご変更は任意です)。
- 特別会員に昇格後ご支援を打ち切られた場合は、その月末をもって特別会員資格は終了し一般会員に戻ります。
- Fantia、FANBOXからのご支援額とXfolioのご購入額は合算できます。合計7,500円以上となればお申し込みいただけます。
- Fantiaの上乗せ支援機能や、Xfolioの追加支援機能にてご支援いただいた金額も合算できます。一方、Fantiaのチップ機能にてお贈りいただいた支援額については合算できません(匿名でのチップ送付が可能であるなど、管理が煩雑となるためです。恐れ入りますがご了承ください)。
- 管理システム上、会員登録時にはメールアドレスの記入が必須となっていますが、記入に抵抗のある方は捨てアドで登録いただいても構いません。ただし、その場合はパスワードを忘れた場合にリセットができなくなりますのでご注意ください。
※誤って実在する他人のメールアドレスを記入しないよう、充分ご注意ください。 - コメントを書き込むなどしても、他の会員にメールアドレスが開示されることはありません。
- 会員登録時やパスワードリセット時などにサイトから自動送信されるものを除き、ご記入いただいたメールアドレスに管理人から個人的にメールをお送りすることはありません。また、ご記入いただいたメールアドレスをその他の用途に使用することはありません。
- ご登録いただいたメールアドレスおよびその他の個人情報は、会員でなくなった時点で抹消します。
- FantiaにまたはFANBOXにて月額300円以上のご支援プランにてご支援をお願いいたします。
- 特別会員お申し込みフォームの「お申し込み内容」から、「中断された特別会員の再申請」を選択のうえ、お申し込みください。
- ご自身で退会されアカウントが抹消されていたり、一般会員の期限が切れるなど、管理人にて元特別会員のアカウントであることを確認できない場合は昇格は実行されません。
- 再昇格の申請は、3回目までは管理人が申請を確認次第、再昇格を行います。ただし、特別会員資格を4回失効した場合は、アカウントを無効とし、申請いただいても再昇格は行いません(この場合、再度特別会員となる条件は新規会員と同じです)。
ご自身のこれまでの失効回数を確認したい場合は、Profileページの「Past Expiration Date」欄をご確認ください。 - 上記1・2いずれの場合も、管理人はその旨を申請者に通知することはありません。
- Profileページを開く
- 最下部の「アカウントの削除」をクリックする
- 確認画面でパスワードを再入力し「アカウント削除の確認」ボタンをクリックする
- 退会後はこれまでのアカウント登録情報は全て削除されます。
- 退会後も、既に投稿したコメントは削除されません。コメントの削除を希望する場合は、なるべく退会前に管理人にご相談ください。
- 退会後も、Fantia、FANBOXやXfolio、BOOTHでのご支援・ご購入履歴は有効です。既に特別会員昇格条件を満たしている場合は、再度一般会員登録のうえ特別会員のお申し込みをいただければ再昇格可能です。
English Ver.
―About member registration―
There are three levels of membership on this website: General, Special and VIP.
Membership Level | Access Permission | Valid | |||
List of articles | Public article for general members | Special Members Only Articles | VIP Gallery※1 | ||
VIP | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Unlimited |
Special | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | – | Unlimited※2 |
General | ✓ | ✓ | – | – | 3 years※3 |
Guest | ✓ | – | – | – | – |
※1: VIP gallery contains larger illustrations than the ones shown in the article, but the contents of this site can be fully enjoyed with the level of special membership.
※2: Unlimited access as long as you continue to support Fantia or FANBOX with a monthly subscription of 300 yen or more.
※3: Valid for 3 years from the date of registration.
When you register using the membership registration form, you will automatically be able to log in as a “General member” immediately.
You can check your membership level at the bottom of the sidebar or in the “Membership Level” field on your profile page.
*General member accounts that have not logged in for approximately three months or more are deleted on a regular basis.
To be promoted to a special membership
If you support (or purchase) a total of 7,500 JPY or more on Fantia, FANBOX or Xfolio, you can apply for a Special membership on Negisho Lab.
If your total support is more than 7,500 JPY (or more than 2 months/7,000 JPY for Fantia or FANBOX’s monthly 3,500 JPY Plan), please apply from the application form.
- After you are promoted to a special membership, your special membership will continue as long as you continue your monthly support plan of 300 JPY or more (changing your support plan is optional).
- If you stop supporting us after being promoted to a special membership, your special membership will end at the end of the month and you will return to a general membership.
- The amount of support from Fantia or FANBOX and the amount of purchases from Xfolio can be added together. If the total amount of both is more than 7,500 yen, you can apply for the special membership.
- The amount of support received through Fantia’s “Add-on Support function” and Xfolio’s “Additional Support” can also be included in the total amount of support.
Unfortunately, however, the amount of your support through Fantia’s tipping function cannot be combined. This is because this feature allows anonymous tip payments, which can be complicated to manage.
Note for those who have paid for multiple months at once
If you have paid for multiple months of monthly support through Fantia or FANBOX in one payment, please read this article in advance.
Promotion to special membership is done manually by the manager after confirmation. Therefore, it may take up to 3 days after your application. If you have not been promoted within 72 hours after submitting the form, please reconfirm that you meet the conditions for promotion and re-apply.
About VIP Membership
As a rule, VIP membership is by invitation only, not by application. The Webmaster invites people who send us feedback on our works on a continuous basis, and who I believe fully understand the purpose of this site, on a whim.
As an exception, those whose total support (or purchase) from Fantia or FANBOX or Xfolio and other sources exceeds 50,000 JPY will be unconditionally upgraded to VIP. In that case, please let me know from the application form.
VIP members are also not required to continue their support. However, if you do not provide us with feedback or support on a regular basis, you may be demoted to a general membership.
About your e-mail address to be registered
- Due to the management system of this website, you are required to enter your e-mail address when you register. However, if you feel uncomfortable filling in your e-mail address, you may register with a disposable e-mail address. However, please note that if you forget your password, you will not be able to reset it.
- Your email address will not be disclosed to other members, even if you write comments on articles.
- The Webmaster will not send any personal e-mails to the e-mail address you have registered, except for those sent automatically by the site when you register or reset your password. In addition, I will not use your registered e-mail address for any other purpose.
- Your registered e-mail address and other personal information will be deleted when you are no longer a member.
REGISTERIf you forget your password…
Reapplication for Suspended Special Membership
If you have returned from a special membership to a general membership due to termination of support, etc. and wish to be promoted to a special membership again, please check the following.
- Please subscribe to a support plan at Fantia or FANBOX for at least 300 yen per month.
- Please select “Re-Application of suspended special member” from “Application details” on the Special Membership Application Form.
As soon as I receive confirmation that you have resumed your support, the re-promotion will usually take place within a few days. However, this does not apply to the following cases.
- If the Webmaster is unable to verify that your account belongs to a former special member, such as if your account has been deleted because you cancelled it yourself or your general membership has expired, your membership will not be upgraded.
- Up to the 3rd time an application for re-elevation is submitted, the account will be re-elevated as soon as the administrator confirms the application. However, if your Special Membership has expired 4 times, your account will be deactivated and you will not be promoted again even if you apply (in this case, the conditions for becoming a Special Member again are the same as for a new member).
If you wish to check the number of times your account has expired, please check the “Past Expiration Date” column on the Profile page. - In either of the above cases, the Webmaster will not notify the applicant to that effect.
Request for withdrawal from membership
You may cancel your membership by yourself at any time.
- Open the Profile page.
- Click “Delete Account” at the bottom of the page.
- On the confirmation screen, re-enter your password and click the “Confirm Account Deletion” button.
- After you cancel your membership, all of your account information will be deleted.
- Even after you cancel your membership, any comments you have already posted will not be deleted. If you wish to delete your comments, please contact the administrator before deleting your account if possible.
- Your support history on Fantia, FANBOX and Xfolio, BOOTH will remain valid even after you cancel your membership. If you have already met the conditions for promotion to special membership, you can be promoted again by applying for special membership after registering as a general member again.
The English version ends here.
特別会員お申し込みフォーム/Special Membership Application Form
If you are not logged in to this site, the input form will not appear below. Before applying for special membership, please register as a general member and open this page again with your login.
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